Graffham Common
This 5.5 mile round-trip took us around Graffham Common near Petworth in Sussex. The walk was lovely and not particularly hard work – there were not many steep inclines – but I have to say, due to the recent wet weather, it was very muddy and slippery in many places.
We started at the car park near Lavington Common and set off through the fir trees towards Duncton Wood. The bird song was really beautiful and we were lucky enough to see a couple of deer – including a young stag – hopping through the woodland.
If you’re looking for refreshment, then Petworth is usually a good choice following this walk. We found a nice Italian style shop and cafe in Wisborough Green. It was Easter Sunday when we filmed the walk, so we were lucky to find very much open.
The name Graffham has changed a lot over time but likely refers to a grove (a group of trees planted close together) + ham which means an enclosure or settlement.